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Opinionaided, Inc.

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Ask any question and receive 50-100 responses from real people in just a few minutes!

Get feedback, help others with your opinion, and start a conversation…instantly.

The Joy of Thumb:
- Get instant feedback from the Thumb community
- Feel good helping others by giving your own opinion
- Converse one-on-one with people that share your opinions
- Easily filter by topic, etc. to get relevant responses and new content

The Press (on The Joy of Thumb):
- “Thumb’s average usage is currently 2nd only to Facebook’s” - TechCrunch
- “Thumb is so hot, it’s twice as addictive as Pinterest” – VentureBeat
- “Angry Birds-like addictive” – Portfolio
- “Highly addictive” – Mashable
- “The immediacy is striking” – GigaOm
- “Dead simple” – The Next Web

Other Thumbers (on The Joy of Thumb):
- “This app is like crack. I want more!!”
- “It’s like Facebook, but better; I can’t stop!!”
- “I love this app, It’s better than tumblr and instagram! Pure awesome!”
- “I’ve met so many great people and made so many new friends!”
- “More addictive than cocaine!!!”
- “It’s like crack. You have been warned.”
- “This is more addictive than smoking.”
- “No app has affected me like this one. I can’t put it down, seriously.”

* Registration is required and users must be 13 and over.