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Все приложения компании Petsie. Чтобы скачать игру/приложение, перейдите на страницу приложения.


View thousands of high quality cat images, learn about hundreds of cat breeds, play games to decide the cutest pet and test your cat breed knowledge! You can even create a Petsie profile for your own cat!

Petsie Cats is based on www.petsie.org, the go to social networking website for enthusiastic pet owners since December 2006! With over 120,000 pet profiles and 500,000 pet pictures, Petsie is the friendliest and most active pet enthusiast gathering place on the net!

This is a beta application. Please send any feedback and bug fixes by email to info@ideawire.fi. We are glad to provide you a better application based on your feedback. Thank you!


View rabbit breeds and hundreds of high quality rabbit images, play who's cutest, guess the rabbit breed game and create a profile for your own rabbit!

Petsie Rabbits gives you access to many rabbit breeds and high quality rabbit images. The content is based on www.petsie.org social network site, where enthusiastic pet owners have created over 120 000 pet profiles and have uploaded over 1 500 000 pet pictures. If you have an own rabbit, you can now use the application to upload pictures of it to Petsie!

This is a beta application. Please send any feedback and bug fixes by email to info@ideawire.fi. We are glad to provide you a better application based on your feedback. Thank you!


View different rodents and hundreds of high quality rodent images, play who's cutest, guess the rodent breed/specie game and create a profile for your own rodent!

Petsie Rodents gives you access to many rodent breeds/species and high quality rodent images. The content is based on www.petsie.org social network site, where enthusiastic pet owners have created over 120 000 pet profiles and have uploaded over 1 500 000 pet pictures. If you have an own rodent, you can now use the application to upload pictures of it to Petsie!

This is a beta application. Please send any feedback and bug fixes by email to info@ideawire.fi. We are glad to provide you a better application based on your feedback. Thank you!


Petsie Собаки (Бета) позволяет вам просматривать коллекции из сотен высококачественных фотографий собак различных пород. Коллекция основывается на социальной сети www.petsie.org, созданной владельцами домашних животных и содержащей данные более чем о 110 000 животных и более 1 500 000 фотографий. База данных Petsie содержит как фотографии взрослых собак, так и щенков.

Наиболее популярные породы собак на Petsie – это немецкая овчарка, финский лаппхунд, золотистый ретривер, лабрадор ретривер, чихуахуа, шетлендская овчарка, длинношерстый колли, тибетский спаниель и кавалер кинг Чарльз спаниель.

Это бета-версия программы. Пожалуйста, направляйте отзывы и сообщения об ошибках на электронный адрес info@ideawire.fi. Ваши отзывы позволят нам улучшить качество программы. Спасибо!