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— Приложения и игры Android, iPhone, iPad. Аналитика. Реклама.

Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne

Все приложения компании Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne. Чтобы скачать игру/приложение, перейдите на страницу приложения.

Alpe d'Huez

The application of Alpe d'Huez Grand Domaine will revolutionize the comfort and safety of skiers. Proposed by the Tourist Offices of Alpe d'Huez Grand Domaine and the SATA (operator of the ski area), this application provides all the amenities you could dream of: the location-based interactive trail map, weather, snow, webcams, practical guide for each resort...

This winter, avoid waiting in line for buy your ski pass, recharge your pass from the application.

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.

Photos : Laurent Salino

Alpine Meadows

The Alpine Meadows Mobile App is your comprehensive guide to Alpine Meadows Ski Resort at your fingertips with features including:

- Current weather & snow report
- Real time lift & trail status on our interactive map
- GPS live positioning on the slopes
- Ability to find your friends - making meeting up easier
- Resort information including ski patrol, services, restaurants, and upcoming events
- Augmented reality function helps locate available services with respect to your surroundings
- Ability to track and share your day’s stats like miles skied, maximum speed, vertical feet
- Quick access to our mountain webcams
- The latest Alpine Meadows videos

Warning : Continual use of the GPS can decrease battery level.


The iPhone application of Avoriaz is bringing comfort and safety to Avoriaz ski resort. Brought to you by the tourism office of Avoriaz and the skilifts company (SERMA). This app leverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with a better skiing experience.
- a dynamic map of the ski area
- GPS localization in the resort
- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort
- a complete address book of all the stores and services available in Avoriaz
- emergency phone numbers

This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, specialist of digital information for ski resorts.

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.

Avoriaz for iPad

The iPhone application of Avoriaz is bringing comfort and safety to Avoriaz ski resort. Brought to you by the tourism office of Avoriaz and the skilifts company (SERMA). This app leverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with a better skiing experience.
- a dynamic map of the ski area
- GPS localization in the resort
- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort
- a complete address book of all the stores and services available in Avoriaz

This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, specialist of digital information for ski resorts.

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.

Ax 3 Domaines

T?l?chargez sans plus attendre l'application iPhone de la station d'Ax 3 Domaines.

Retrouvez toute l'actualit? de la station avec la m?t?o, l'enneigement, l'?tat des pistes ainsi que le plan des pistes.

Aux portes de l’Espagne et d’Andorre, la station d’Ax s’ouvre sur les plus beaux panoramas des Pyr?n?es ari?geoises et d?voile ses 3 domaines aux plus f?rus de sensations fortes : Bonascre (1400-2000m), le Saquet (1900-2300m) et les Campels (1700-2400m). La station r?pond ? toutes les envies, offrant libert?, d?tente et convivialit? tout au long du s?jour et ce ? 9 minutes de la ville par une t?l?cabine.

Attention : L'utilisation du GPS en tache de fond peut diminuer rapidement le niveau de la batterie

Blue Mountain

Blue Mountain’s application will revolutionize the comfort and convenience of everyone on the mountain. Offered by the Blue Mountain ski resort, this application provides all the services you need and much more, such as:

- Interactive map tracks, indicating open or closed slopes in real time
- GPS live positioning on the slopes
- Weather forecast, snow report
- List of services and restaurants
- A function to find your friends
- Ability to track distance skied, maximum speed, etc.
- Access to webcams and videos

Warning : Continual use of the GPS can decrease battery level.


Chamonix Mont-Blanc: Chamonix Tourist Office and the Compagnie du Mont-Blanc ski-lift company offer you a full range of services with this official application for experiencing Chamonix and skiing to 200%! You will find:
- Plans of ski pistes with your positioning by GPS
- Opening of pistes and ski-lifts in real time
- Topping up ski passes
- Weather forecasts, the level of snow cover, and on-site webcams
- Positioning of the mountains by augmented reality
- A map of the town with display of services and transport systems
- Events, activities & entertainment
- Bus and train timetables
- Reports of road conditions
- Information on cross-country skiing
and more...

This information is provided for general guidance only, and the Compagnie du Mont-Blanc company, Chamonix Tourist Office and Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne may not be held responsible for any incorrect information.

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.


Champery official application !

Warning : GPS running in background can decrease battery.


The iPhone App Courchevel is bringing comfort and safety to Courchevel ski resort. Brought to you by the city of Courchevel and sponsored by French government subsidies through the label Proxima Mobile. This app leverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with a better skiing experience.
- a dynamic map of the ski area
- GPS localization in the resort
- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort
- a complete address book of all the stores and services available in Courchevel
- emergency phone numbers
- T o? ? : Get the position of your friends on the slopes !

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life

Courchevel pour iPad

L’application officielle de Courchevel pour iPad pour profiter directement de la station dans votre salon. Propos?e par l’Office du Tourisme de Courchevel, cette application fournit toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin pour vivre le r?ve « Courchevel ».
- le plan des pistes interactif : horaires et ?tats d’ouvertes des pistes et remont?es, damage, exp?rimentez le domaine des 3 Vall?es en grand.
- les pr?visions m?t?o d?taill?es de la station
- l’annuaire des services de la station
- le plan du village : localisez au plus vite les commerces et services recherch?s.

Les informations m?t?orologiques, le risque d'avalanche, les ouvertures/fermetures et le damage sont fournis par la station de ski. Le positionnement GPS est donn? ? titre indicatif. Attention : L'utilisation du GPS en t?che de fond peu rapidement diminuer le niveau de la batterie.

Crans Montana

L'application officiel de la station de Crans Montana !

Cette application va r?volutionner vos s?jour ? Grand Montana.

Vous profiterez d'un plan de pistes interactif en haute d?finition, pour vous localiser et consulter les ouvertures des remont?es.

La fonction MySki, vous permettra enfin de connaitre votre vitesse sur les pistes.

La m?t?o, les webcams, la listes des restaurants sont bien d'autres fonctionnalit?s ? d?couvrir.

Attention : L'utilisation du GPS en t?che de fond peut rapidement diminuer le niveau de la batterie.

Take care : Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.


With the new Crevoux app you will find all the informations you need on your favorite resort.

- Interactive Trail Map
- Weather and Snow forecast
- Webcams
- My Ski : measure your performances !

And other functionnalities.

Warning : Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level

Espace Diamant

The iPhone application of Espace Diamant is bringing comfort and safety to Espace Diamant ski area. Brought to you by Labellemontagne (the skilifts company) and the tourism offices of Crest Voland / Cohennoz, Flumet and Notre-Dame de Bellecombe. This app leverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with a better skiing experience.
- a dynamic map of the ski area,
- GPS localization in the resort,
- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort,
- a complete address book of all the stores and services available,
- emergency phone numbers.

This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, specialist of digital information for ski resorts.

Continue use of GPS running in background can decrease battery level.

Espace San Bernardo

With the new "Espace San bernardo" app you will find all the informations you need on your favorite resorts : La Rosi?re and La Thuile.

- Interactive Trail Map
- Weather and Snow forecast
- Webcams
- Pratical Guilde
- My Ski : measure your performances !

And lot of other functionnalities.

Warning : Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level


Grandvalira’s application will revolutionize the comfort and safety of everyone on the mountain. Proposed by Grandvalira Ski Resort, this application provides all the services you need and much more, such as:

- Interactive map tracks, indicating open or closed tracks
- GPS live positioning on the tracks
- Weather forecast, snow report and safety
- List of services and restaurants
- Access to webcams

The application is developed by Lumiplan Montagne, expert in the development of mobile technologies for skiers of information for skiers.

Meteorological information, the risk of avalanche, opening and closing tracks, as well as other information are provided by the resort. GPS positioning is given as a guide.

The application is available in Spanish, Catalan, English and French.

Isoski 2.0

Isoski 2.0 permet de calculer le r?glage des fixations de ski alpin selon la norme internationale ISO 11088.

Il s’agit d’une application de la FPS (F?d?ration Professionnelle des entreprises du Sport est des loisirs) cr??e ? la demande des entreprises (magasins de sport ; loueurs de ski).

Cette application est destin?e ? un usage professionnel.

Pour louer votre mat?riel de sports d'hiver, privil?giez les professionnels qui appliquent la norme ISO 11088 et le r?glement professionnel des magasins de sport de stations de montagne (liste sur le site de la FPS).

Site web de la FPS : http://www.filieresport.com/fr/infos-conso/securite--qualite/isoski/


Vivez votre station et partagez vos ?motions avec l'appli LABELLEMONTAGNE, en partenariat avec leur Office du Tourisme.

LABELLEMONTAGNE, stations de ski ? taille humaine avec toujours plus de services pour faciliter vos vacances : La Bresse-Hohneck, Manigod (domaine La Clusaz-Manigod) stations de l’Espace Diamant (Notre-Dame de Bellecombe/Flumet, Praz sur Arly et Crest-Voland/Cohennoz), Saint-Fran?ois Longchamp Grand Domaine, Pralognan-la-Vanoise, Orci?res 1850 et Bardonecchia (Italie).

Pratique et ludique, pour d?courvrir le domaine skiable et la station, r?server son forfait, se g?olocaliser, emsurer ses performances, recevoir les bulletins m?t?o et enneigement, visualiser les webcams... L'appli LABELLEMONTAGNE donne acc?s ? toutes les infos station et permet de poster ses exploits.

Les informations m?t?orologiques, le risque d’avalanche, les ouvertures/fermetures sont fournis par LABELLEMONTAGNE ? titre indicatif (sous r?serve de mise ? jour). Le positionnement GPS est donn? ? titre indicatif. 

Attention : L'utilisation du GPS en tache de fond peut diminuer rapidement le niveau de la batterie.

Le Grand Bornand

The iPhone application of Le Grand Bornand is bringing comfort and safety to Le Grand Bornand ski resort. Brought to you by the tourism office of Le Grand Bornand and the skilifts company. This app leverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with a better skiing experience.
- a dynamic map of the ski area
- GPS localization in the resort
- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort
- a complete address book of all the stores and services available in Le Grand Bornand
- emergency phone numbers

This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, specialist of digital information for ski resorts.

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.

Les 2 Alpes

The iPhone application of Les 2 Alpes is bringing comfort and safety to Les 2 Alpes ski resort. Brought to you by the tourism office of Les 2 Alpes and the skilifts company (Deux Alpes Loisirs). This app leverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with a better skiing experience.
- a dynamic map of the ski area
- GPS localization in the resort
- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort
- a complete address book of all the stores and services available in Les 2 Alpes
- emergency phone numbers

This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, specialist of digital information for ski resorts.

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.

Les 3 Vall?es

The largest ski area in the world’s official application!

Les 3 Vall?es comprise the resorts of Courchevel, La Tania, M?ribel, Brides-Les-Bains, Les Menuires – Saint Martin de Belleville, Val Thorens and Orelle:
The largest ski area in the world, linked together by ski runs and ski lifts, with 600 kms of interconnected slopes and 174 ski lifts.
These 8 different resorts offer a vast array of accommodation, ranging from low cost options to prestigious 5 star ratings.

And many other functionnalities:
To get the most out of the 3 Vall?es, find all the live ski area news on your iPhone!
- Interactive piste map with live ski lift and ski run openings
- Find your geolocation on the ski area
- Webcams
- Weather forecast
- High altitude restaurants
- First aid posts
- Toilets
- Augmented Reality
- Photos/Videos
- Events

New feature that make all the difference ! Find your fiends and arrange to meet up with them on the 3 Vall?es ski slopes, thanks to the 3 Vall?es T O? ? feature.

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.

Les 3 Vall?es for iPad

The largest ski area in the world’s official application!

Les 3 Vall?es comprise the resorts of Courchevel, La Tania, M?ribel, Brides-Les-Bains, Les Menuires – Saint Martin de Belleville, Val Thorens and Orelle:
The largest ski area in the world, linked together by ski runs and ski lifts, with 600 kms of interconnected slopes and 174 ski lifts.
These 8 different resorts offer a vast array of accommodation, ranging from low cost options to prestigious 5 star ratings.

And many other functionnalities:
To get the most out of the 3 Vall?es, find all the live ski area news on your iPhone!
- Interactive piste map with live ski lift and ski run openings
- Find your geolocation on the ski area
- Webcams
- Weather forecast
- High altitude restaurants
- First aid posts
- Toilets
- Videos
- Events

New feature that make all the difference !

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.

Les 3 vall?es

The largest ski area in the world’s official application!

Les 3 Vall?es comprise the resorts of Courchevel, La Tania, M?ribel, Brides-Les-Bains, Les Menuires – Saint Martin, Val Thorens and Orelle:
The largest ski area in the world, linked together by ski runs and ski lifts, with 600 kms of interconnected slopes and 174 ski lifts.
These 8 different resorts offer a vast array of accommodation, ranging from low cost options to prestigious 5 star ratings.

To get the most out of the 3 Vall?es, find all the live ski area news on your iPhone!
- Interactive piste map with live ski lift and ski run openings
- Find your geolocation on the ski area
- Webcams
- Weather forecast
- High altitude restaurants
- First aid posts
- Toilets

Les Arcs

Les Arcs, on the "i-tech" mountainside!
Access all the information of your favorite resort:

Ski map, useful information, "MySki" extension and pictures to publish your coolest souvenirs and slides on Facebook, videos, webcams…

Les Arcs make their way on your iPhone and put the Paradiski area in your hands.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life

Les Arcs pour iPad

Les Arcs, on the "i-tech" mountainside!
Access all the information of your favorite resort:

Ski map, useful information, extension and pictures to publish your coolest souvenirs and slides on Facebook, videos, webcams…

Les Arcs make their way on your iPad and put the Paradiski area in your hands.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Les Diablerets

Official application of Les Diablerets ski resort.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Les Menuires

The iPhone application of Les Menuires is bringing comfort and safety to Les Menuires ski resort. Brought to you by the tourism office of Les Menuires and the skilifts company (SEVABEL). This app leverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with a better skiing experience.
- a dynamic map of the ski area
- GPS localization in the resort
- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort
- a complete address book of all the stores and services available in Les Menuires
- emergency phone numbers

This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, specialist of digital information for ski resorts.

Continue use of GPS running in background can decrease battery level.

Les Portes du Mont Blanc

With the application "Les Portes du Mont Blanc" recharge your skipass for a human scale ski area of a rare beauty
Located between Savoie and Haute-Savoie and regrouping the 4 resorts of Combloux, Meg?ve / Le Jaillet, La Giettaz and Cordon you have a cumulated length of the slopes of more than a 100 kms, among the trees, chalets and immaculated snow for every type of skiers.


D?couvrez cette nouvelle application mobile qui vient rejoindre la panoplie d'applications que vous pouvez utiliser ? Meg?ve.

Cette application fournit de nombreux services pour agr?menter vos sorties ski :
- le plan du domaine skiable int?ractif
- votre position donn?e pour mieux vous localiser sur les pistes
- la m?t?o de la station
- l’annuaire des commerces, h?tels, restaurants et services
- le plan du village
- l'agenda des ?v?nements et animations...

Vous pouvez aussi acheter votre forfait de ski directement ? partir de l'application.

Enfin, en exclusivit? avec Meg?ve vous pouvez m?me r?server votre place pour tester les derni?res innovations BMW xDrive Tour pour la conduite en hiver ? Meg?ve !

Pour d?couvrir Meg?ve l’?t? :
Place ? la randonn?e, au VTT et courses en pleine nature ! Gr?ce au GPS, aux trac?s et ? la fonction MyRun, cette application devient votre meilleur compagnon d’?chapp?es estivales. Et rappelez-vous du bon plan Meg?ve Pass qui donne acc?s ? de multiples activit?s dont la luge d'?t?, la patinoire, la piscine, les remont?es m?caniques, les bus, l'escalade, le fitness, le sauna, le hammam... 7 jours 25 Euros / enfant et 47 Euros / adulte.

Attention : L'utilisation du GPS en tache de fond peut diminuer rapidement le niveau de la batterie


Montgen?vre, station fran?aise haut-alpine reli?e aux domaines olympiques de la Voie Lact?e (Vialattea), va r?volutionner votre s?jour en apportant confort et s?curit? ? vos sorties en montagne.

Cette application officielle est propos?e par l'Office de Tourisme de Montgen?vre et fournit tous les services dont vous avez besoin, gr?ce ? votre t?l?phone vous pourrez ainsi :
- vous rep?rer sur le plan des pistes interactif
- obtenir les infos sur l'ouverture des pistes
- trouver un h?bergement
- connaitre les tarifs
- choisir vos activit?s apr?s-ski
- vous renseigner sur les conditions m?t?o et l'enneigement
- contacter les secours en cas d'urgence
- apprendre le nom des sommets qui vous entourent
- plonger dans la culture italienne avec un lexique franco-italien

Un guide indispensable et gratuit pour accompagner votre escapade hivernale !

L'utilisation du GPS en tache de fond peut diminuer rapidement le niveau de la batterie

Montgen?vre pour iPad

Montgen?vre, station fran?aise haut-alpine reli?e aux domaines olympiques de la Voie Lact?e (Vialattea), va r?volutionner votre s?jour en apportant confort et s?curit? ? vos sorties en montagne.

Cette application officielle est propos?e par l'Office de Tourisme de Montgen?vre et fournit tous les services dont vous avez besoin, gr?ce ? votre t?l?phone vous pourrez ainsi :
- vous rep?rer sur le plan des pistes interactif
- obtenir les infos sur l'ouverture des pistes
- trouver un h?bergement
- connaitre les tarifs
- choisir vos activit?s apr?s-ski
- vous renseigner sur les conditions m?t?o et l'enneigement
- contacter les secours en cas d'urgence
- apprendre le nom des sommets qui vous entourent
- plonger dans la culture italienne avec un lexique franco-italien

Un guide indispensable et gratuit pour accompagner votre escapade hivernale !

L'utilisation du GPS en tache de fond peut diminuer rapidement le niveau de la batterie

Mottolino Livigno

The official Mottolino’s (Livigno - Italy) application for smartphone. Live at any moment of the day and in
any place, all the news about the Mottolino (Livigno - Italy) ski area. With this application you will have
the chance to see on real-time the lifts opening and closing times, web cam, weather forecast, events,
photos and videos. You can also see who of your Facebook friends are skiing on our slopes, interact with
them and see what they're doing. In the “MySki” section you can track your skiing performance and share
it with your friends on the most popular social networks. Finally with GPS technology, you'll always know
where you are and what's around you. What are you waiting for? download the application and start to
share your experience with Mottolino Fun Mountain.Enjoy

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life


The free, official M?ribel app
All the information you need to plan and spend a great holiday is at your fingertips. And now it’s easier to navigate and has even more information.
Looking for a telephone number, the date of an event, a timetable or price? You’ll find it on the M?ribel app!
When on the slopes, check the weather forecast, use the interactive piste map or plan your route for the day.
You’ll never need a paper brochure in your pocket again – the M?ribel app is all you need.

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.


The iPhone application of Orci?res 1850 is bringing comfort and safety to Oric?res ski resort. Brought to you by the tourism office. This app leverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with a better skiing experience.
- a dynamic map of the ski area,
- GPS localization in the resort,
- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort,
- a complete address book of all the stores and services available,
- emergency phone numbers.

This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, specialist of digital information for ski resorts.

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.

Portes du Soleil

The official Portes du Soleil iPhone application makes you the master of our French-Swiss ski area…
On offer to all visitors from the International Association of the Portes du Soleil, this new application contains everything you could possibly need to know about our cross-border ski network: an interactive piste map detailing slopes that are open, skiers’ GPS location on the slopes in real time, the weather forecast and snow conditions, restaurants on the slopes, webcams, emergency numbers and other useful information. You can also watch the best film clips about the ski area, browse the events diary, make full use of the augmented reality software to explore the Portes du Soleil mountains, and make use of the bespoke route planner for an ideal ski back to your chalet.
Weather forecasts and piste/ski lift opening and closing times are provided by the ski resorts within the Portes du Soleil. GPS positioning is indicative only. Charges may vary depending on your mobile phone operator and location within the French-Swiss ski area. The application was developed by Skiplan, the specialists in providing mobile phone information for skiers.

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.


The iPhone application of Pralognan is bringing comfort and safety La Bresse ski area. Brought to you by Labellemontagne (the skilifts company) and the tourism offices of Pralognan . This app leverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with a better skiing experience.
- a dynamic map of the ski area,
- GPS localization in the resort,
- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort,
- a complete address book of all the stores and services available,
- emergency phone numbers.

This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, specialist of digital information for ski resorts.

Continue use of GPS running in background can decrease battery level.


L’application de Risoul va r?volutionner le confort et la s?curit? de tous ? la montagne. Propos?e par la soci?t? des remont?es m?caniques, cette application fournit tous les services dont vous pouvez avoir besoin :
- le plan des pistes int?ractif avec indication des pistes et remont?es ouvertes,
- votre position GPS sur les pistes,
- la m?t?o d?taill?e de la station,
- l’annuaire des services de la station,
- le num?ro des secours,
- et plein d'autres modules et fonctionnalit?s...

L’application a ?t? d?velopp?e par Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, expert dans l’apport d’information aux skieurs sur technologie mobile.

Les informations m?t?orologiques, le risque d'avalanche, les ouvertures/fermetures sont fournis par la station. Le positionnement GPS est donn? ? titre indicatif. Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne ne saurait ?tre tenu responsable en cas d'informations erron?es.

Rosa Khutor

Welcome to Rosa Khutor Official application.
Rosa Khutor will host all alpine skiing, freestyle and snowboard events for the 2014 Winter Olympics and Paralympics.

To get the most out of Rosa Khutor, find all the live ski area news on your iPhone :
- Interactive trail map with live ski lift and ski run openings
- Find your geolocation on the ski area
- Webcams
- Weather forecast
- High altitude restaurants

After your day of skiing find all information for your vacation:
- Village maps

Use fun functionalities to enhance your stay experience.
- A function to find your friends
- Distance skied, maximum speed, etc.
- Access to Rosa Khutor’s videos

Also available for your security: direct access to ski patrol phone number.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life

Rosa Khutor for iPad

Rosa Khutor will host all alpine skiing, freestyle and snowboard events for the 2014 Winter Olympics and Paralympics.

To get the most out of Rosa Khutor, find all the live ski area news on your iPad :
- Interactive trail map with live ski lift and ski run openings
- Find your geolocation on the ski area
- Webcams
- Weather forecast
- High altitude restaurants

After your day of skiing find all information for your vacation:
- Village maps

Use fun functionalities to enhance your stay experience.
- Access to Rosa Khutor's videos

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life

Saint Fran?ois Longchamp

L’application de Saint-Fran?ois Longchamp va r?volutionner le confort et la s?curit? de tous ? la montagne. Propos?e par Labellemontagne et l'Office de Tourisme, cette application fournit tous les services dont vous pouvez avoir besoin :
- le plan des pistes int?ractif avec indication des pistes et remont?es ouvertes,
- votre position GPS sur les pistes,
- la m?t?o d?taill?e de la station,
- l’annuaire des services de la station,
- le num?ro des secours,
- et plein d'autres modules et fonctionnalit?s...

L’application a ?t? d?velopp?e par Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, expert dans l’apport d’information aux skieurs sur technologie mobile.

Les informations m?t?orologiques, le risque d'avalanche, les ouvertures/fermetures sont fournis par la station. Le positionnement GPS est donn? ? titre indicatif. Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne ne saurait ?tre tenu responsable en cas d'informations erron?es.

L'utilisation du GPS en tache de fond peut diminuer rapidement le niveau de la batterie

Saint Gervais

The iPhone application of Saint-Gervais Mont-Blanc is bringing comfort and safety to Saint-Gervais ski resort. Brought to you by the tourism office. This app leverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with a better skiing experience.
- a dynamic map of the ski area,
- GPS localization in the resort,
- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort,
- a complete address book of all the stores and services available,
- emergency phone numbers.

This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, specialist of digital information for ski resorts.

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.

Serre Chevalier

The iPhone application of Serre Chevalier is bringing comfort and safety to Serre Chevalier ski resort. Brought to you by the tourism office of Serre Chevalier and the skilifts company (Serre Chevalier Valley). This app leverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with a better skiing experience.
- a dynamic map of the ski area
- GPS localization in the resort
- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort
- a complete address book of all the stores and services available
- emergency phone numbers

This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, specialist of digital information for ski resorts.

Continue use of GPS running in background can decrease battery level.

Sierra Nevada

La aplicaci?n de Sierra Nevada va a revolucionar el confort y la seguridad de todos en la monta?a. Propuesta por el socio oficial de la estaci?n, BMW Espa?a, esta aplicaci?n le brinda todos los servicios que usted necesita, tales como:

- El plano de pistas interactivo, indicando pistas abiertas o cerradas
- Su posicionamiento GPS sobre las pistas en directo
- El estado del tiempo en la estaci?n detallado
- La lista de servicios de la estaci?n
- Funci?n para encontrar a sus amigos
- Realidad aumentada
- Registrar los kil?metros esquiados, velocidad m?xima, etc.
- Acceso a Webcams
- Informaci?n relativa a las actividades de BMW en Sierra Nevada y sistemas adaptados a la conducci?n en nieve.

La aplicaci?n es desarrollada por la sociedad Lumiplan Montagne y Peak Pulse expertos en el desarrollo de la informaci?n para esquiadores en las tecnolog?as m?viles.

Las informaciones meteorol?gicas, el riesgo de avalancha, apertura y cierre de pistas, as? como el resto de la informaci?n son provistas por la estaci?n de esqu?. El posicionamiento del GPS es otorgado a titulo indicativo.

Continuar el uso del GPS funcionando en segundo plano puede disminuir el nivel de bater?a.

Squaw Valley

The Squaw Valley App is your comprehensive guide to Squaw Valley Ski Resort at your fingertips with features including:

- Interactive map indicating lift & trail status in real time
- Current weather & snow report
- GPS live positioning on the slopes
- A function to find your friends
- List of services and restaurants
- Augmented reality
- Ability to track miles skied, maximum speed, etc.
- Access to webcams and videos

Warning : Continual use of the GPS can decrease battery level.

Val Thorens

The iPhone application of Val Thorens is bringing comfort and safety to Val Thorens ski resort. Brought to you by the tourism office of Val Thorens and the skilifts company (SETAM). This app leverages the power of iPhone technology to provide you with a better skiing experience.
- a dynamic map of the ski area
- GPS localization in the resort
- a detailed weather forecast of the ski resort
- a complete address book of all the stores and services available in Val Thorens
- emergency phone numbers
- My Friends : an easy way to find your friends on the slopes !

This application was developed by Skiplan Lumiplan Montagne, specialist of digital information for ski resorts.

Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.


Vallnord’s application will revolutionize the comfort and safety of everyone on the mountain. Proposed by Vallnord Ski Resort, this application provides all the services you need and much more, such as:

- Interactive map tracks, indicating open or closed tracks
- GPS live positioning on the tracks
- Weather forecast, snow report and safety
- List of services and restaurants
- A function to find your friends
- Augmented reality
- Log miles skied, maximum speed, etc.
- Access to webcams and videos

The application is developed by Lumiplan Montagne, expert in the development of mobile technologies for skiers of information for skiers.

Meteorological information, the risk of avalanche, opening and closing tracks, as well as other information are provided by the resort. GPS positioning is given as a guide.

The application is available in Spanish, Catalan, English and French.

Be careful :Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level.


The official and free Application of Valloire, the resort of Jean-Baptiste Grange, located in Savoie, at the doorstep of "Le Col du Galibier"

All the information at hand to prepare and facilitate your stay in Valloire!

In Winter
- Interactive Trail Map indicating the slopes and lifts opened, groomed trails, etc.
- GPS position on the slopes,
- Measure your ski performances
- Detailed weather forecast for the resort, snow reports and webcams
- Directory of the resort services, accomodations bars and restaurants - geolocalised
- Enhanced reality to see easily the name of the surrounding mountains
- And many other modules and features ...
(Automatic or Manual shifting from each season to the other, without additional download)

In Summer :
- Mountain Bike area et Bikepark map
- Topo-guide « 10 easy hiking trails around Valloire » - geolocalised
- MyRun : as MySki, measure your performances
- Directory of the resort services, accomodations bars and restaurants - geolocalised
- Detailed weather forecast for the resort and webcams
- Direct call fo assisstance
- Enhanced reality to see easily the name of the surrounding mountains
- And many other modules and features ...

The weather forecast, the avalanche risk, the opening, closing and grooming information as well as GPS positioning are provided only for informative purpose.

Warning: The GPS running in the background can reduce the battery.


With the new "Vars - La Foret Blanche" app you will find all the informations you need on your favorite resort.

- Interactive Trail Map
- Weather and Snow forecast
- Webcams
- Pratical Guilde
- My Ski : measure your performances !
- My Friends : find your contacts and your Facebook friends on the slopes !

And lot of other functionnalities.

Warning : Continue use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery level

Vars pour iPad

Avec l’application officielle de Vars pour iPad, retrouvez le For?t Blanche dans votre salon. Cette application fournit toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin pour d?couvrir et red?couvrir la station de Vars :
- le plan des pistes interactif : horaires et ?tats d’ouvertes des pistes et remont?es, damage, exp?rimentez le domaine des 3 Vall?es en grand.
- les pr?visions m?t?o d?taill?es de la station
- l’annuaire des services de la station
- le plan du village : localisez au plus vite les commerces et services recherch?s.

Les informations m?t?orologiques, le risque d'avalanche, les ouvertures/fermetures et le damage sont fournis par la station de ski. Le positionnement GPS est donn? ? titre indicatif. Attention : L'utilisation du GPS en t?che de fond peu rapidement diminuer le niveau de la batterie.

Роза Хутор

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