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Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing

The human body has energy centers with different rates of vibration or sound, not to mention colors. These energy centers are called charkas. There are many chakras in the human body, but there are 7 main charkas. These energy centers are not in the human body like you find blood and bones in the human body. Rather they are in what some call the subtle body - the aspect of us that experiences astral travel, out of body experiences, lucid dreams. These chakras correspond to the human spine starting at the root and running to the crown of the head. This recording contains binaural beats embedded into the sound of wind chimes and ambient music soundtrack #13. The session centers for 5 minutes on each chakra with a brainwave frequency of 10 hz for each chakra. The carrier frequencies used for the chakras range begin at 131 hz for the root chakra, reaching up to 247 hz by the time the recording is at the crown chakra.

Scan Your Body For Tension
You must relax your body completely so your mind is free to wander where it likes. To do this, turn your attention to different parts of your body in a "scanning" fashion, such as from your head to your toes. For instance you could start with the top of your head, then the forehead, then the eyes, cheeks, mouth, jaw, neck and so on.

Eyes Closed
For all but a few special sessions, your eyes should be closed during the entire session. Closing the eyes eliminates about 80% of the external input an average brain receives.

Eye Position
This is a great way to help bring your mind down to an open brainwave. When you look up, the visual part of your brain is stimulated.That is why many people look up when they are trying to solve a math problem, or trying to remember something visual. This is also the position of your eyes when you are in REM sleep. It may take a second to get used to, but if your eyes feel uncomfortable after a period of time, just let them rest at a level you are used to.

Focus on the Beats
All sessions produce "beats," or what sounds like short, rapid pulses. When listening to binaural beats if you listen through only one headphone, you will hear a constant tone, but listening through both you will hear the beat that your mind produces. Focusing on these beats is the best way to entrain your mind to them. Your mind responds to your attention and will entrain far better if you focus on the stimulus.

Visualizing is a great way to take your mind down to where it needs to be.Visualize simple objects, like tacks. Add color to them, make them spin in 3d. Make them glow and reflect the world around them.

Breath Through Your Abdomen
Breathing is directly linked to brainwaves. Breathing deeply will rapidly cause you to relax. However, there is a catch. Breathing through your chest is associated with the Fight Or Flight response, which occurs during stressful (or awkward) situations. Eliciting this response will keep you from being relaxed. Breathing from your abdomen, on the other hand, feels great and is incredibly relaxing.

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,ICE,SportsTracker,STL,Pedometer,Therapy,Drinking,Water,Marijuana,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView

Deep Relaxation (Level 1)

DeepSeries - Deep Relaxation

This is an hour long meditation mp3. There are no scripts or voices in this mp3. The mp3 includes new age music, wind, and chimes embedded with isochronic tones. The isochronic tones gradually bring the meditator's brainwaves to the theta level. The isochronic tones are heard as a continuous beating sound throughout the entire length of the mp3. Isochronic tones need to be perceived by the brain to be beneficial. Isochronic tones don't work subliminally which is why we have deliberately made the isochronic tones pronounced and obvious to hear.

Theta brainwaves (8 hz to 4 Hz) are present in deep meditation as well as in dreaming sleep and lucid dreaming. It is the level of the subconscious mind. Theta is also the storehouse of creative inspiration, spiritual connection, creative insight, twilight ("sleep") learning, vivid subconscious mental imagery. Theta brainwaves have been documented in advanced meditators. Regular visits to the theta state of mind through deep meditation can reduced blood pressure, and cure addictions. Theta is also said to reset the brain's sodium potassium levels, which cuts down on mental fatigue.

Theta is conducive to profound inner peace, "mystical truths", transforming unconsciously held limiting beliefs, physical & emotional healing, purpose of life exploration, inner wisdom, faith, meditation, some psychic abilities, & retrieving unconscious material, bursts of inspiration, reverie, high levels of awareness, vivid mental imagery. Hypnopompic & Hypnagogic states, creativity, intuition, daydreaming, fantasizing, recollection, imagery, dreamlike, switching thoughts, drowsiness; "oneness", "knowing", repository for memories, emotions, sensations. Can lead to trance-like states.

Theta is strong during internal focus, meditation, prayer + spiritual awareness. Reflects state between wakefulness + sleep. Observed in anxiety, behavioral activation+behavioral inhibition. Promotes learning+memory when functioning normally. Abnormal in awake adults, but seen in children
up to 13 years old.

When used regularly the Deep Meditation mp3 can help train your mind to enter deep states of meditation at the theta level. It is recommended that you use stereo headphones for optimal results.

The Deep Meditation mp3 begins with alpha frequencies, and descends into theta frequencies and stays there until the end, when it rises back up to alpha to help leave the user refreshed and awake.

This session is embedded with isochronic tones, wind and chimes, as well as 2 different new age sound tracks (one at the beginning of the session, and the other at the end).

The session begins with isochronic tone (alpha frequencies) embedded into slow tempo new age music (Effervescent Life) which plays for the first 10 minutes as the alpha frequencies descend from 12 hz to the theta level of 7 hz.

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,ICE,SportsTracker,STL,Pedometer,Therapy,Drinking,Water,Marijuana,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView,WWPP,iMapMyFITNESS,AllSport,Facts,Gazelle,iTriage,Buddy,TrackerSavvy,SmartTraining,Prescription,Identifier,PointsList,Pregly,Meditation,AlcoDroid,HIIT,Drug,Natural,ESP,Iron,Prenatal

Self Motivation

Self Motivation

Self motivation is very important for success. Though it is not the most important of all the factors, yet a highly important one in order to perform a certain task in an excellently appropriate way. There are techniques for almost all softer aspects of one's life and self motivation is one of them.

It works this way - The self motivation software should first be downloaded after paying a nominal fee. Then the user must connect his system to his headphones and listen to the software. The software contains of certain frequency waves which is slowly transmitted to our ears. These waves get registered in our brains. Over a period of time, our brain begins to understand even the waves not transmitted by the ear and tries to read between the signals. This is the exact point where the brain understands to focus on the positive aspects of self motivation in life. This is the point where all blockages are cleared and brain is opened up to accept changes and improvement. There are many success stories on this website, of people who have used this particular software and achieved phenomenal results.

Motivation can be witnessed in our day to day lives, right from our homes to our offices. At home, it starts with the young mother motivating the child with sweets for completing food properly on time. Will you be interested to work for a manager who doesn't acknowledge or appreciate your performance? Will you find any reason to take new initiatives, if all the previous initiatives that you have taken have gone unsung? The obvious answer is NO.

We might talk that we don't work for rewards. However, practically, it is impossible. An appreciation mail is the least thing that a manager can do for motivating his subordinates. Hence motivation is very essential at every walk of life, if one wants to succeed. However this software teaches us that there is nothing better than self motivation. It teaches us to eliminate all the negative energies and keep working successfully for our own self satisfaction. Frequently listening to this software gives us the feeling that external motivation is not that important after all. It is the energy and the sense of "keep going" that comes from, within us, that should really motivate us to do work.

We tend to feel bogged down when our hard work or initiatives does not get recognized. This affects all our future performances. However, this self motivation software teaches us to take out all these negative thoughts. The external environment is going to remain the same. It is never going to appreciate us for what we do. What needs to change is our way of thinking and this is possible through this software. We have to ensure that we have to go the extra mile, try this software and keep ourselves motivated. Over a period of time, we realize the reality that there is nothing more exciting than self satisfaction and self motivation. These are the ones that keep us going, however cumbersome the activities are.

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,ICE,SportsTracker,STL,Pedometer,Therapy,Drinking,Water,Marijuana,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView,WWPP,iMapMyFITNESS,AllSport,Facts,Gazelle,iTriage,Buddy

Weight Loss 2X

Affirmations For Weight Loss

No matter how many times you’ve struggled to lose weight, you can do it now. Subliminal brain wave technology taps directly into the vast storehouse of creative energy that lies buried within the subconscious. In heightened states of receptivity, trigger words and phrases anchor a slim mindset that eliminates self-sabotage and unleashes your most vibrant, vital self. Becoming trim, taut and terrific has never been easier.

This Brain Wave Subliminal activates the unlimited power of your subconscious because it incorporates brain wave frequencies that induce states of hyper-receptivity to subliminal messages. Here, a new set of self-empowering beliefs are firmly imprinted in the unconscious.

• Exercise to increase radiance.
• Discover true self-appreciation and respect.
• Eat foods that turn into beauty and health.
• Be attractive, active and in demand.

This recording contains the following subliminal messages:

• I am active, attractive and in demand
• I love myself, I feel great
• I am healthy, I look great
• I eat what is good for me
• Every cell of my body exudes beauty and health
• I respect myself, I control my weight
• I enjoy my body, my body is great
• I relax into my perfect weight
• I let my slim self emerge
• I am nourished, I am satisfied
• I burn fat
• I am active and full of energy
• I love exercise
• I achieve my goals with ease
• I surrender to appreciation
• I honor myself, I honor my body
• I respect the integrity and wisdom of my body
• I eat less, I weigh less
• I feel light
• I am whole, complete and satisfied

This Brain Wave Subliminal has two tracks; both contain the exact same subliminal messages. You can listen two ways.
Listen to both tracks anywhere or anytime over your stereo system. While you won’t consciously “hear” the subliminal messages, they will be received and absorbed by your subconscious.
For deeper subconscious programming, and to receive the full benefits of Brain Wave Therapy, listen to track 2 (the one without the piano overlay) with headphones at a time and place when you will not be disturbed. Allow yourself to simply drift and relax. You might even fall asleep and take a refreshing nap. Whether you fall asleep while listening or not, theta brain wave frequencies will induce heightened receptivity to the messages. Theta brain waves have been identified as essential to learning and storing information in long-term memory. Theta is the ideal state for subconscious reprogramming.

Tracks,Endomondo,Sports,Calorie,Counter,Push,Ups,adidas,miCoach,Daily,Ab,Workout,FatSecret,Sit,Ups,My,Period,Ovulation,Tracker,RunKeeper,iTriage,Mobile,Health,WomanLog,Calendar,Instant,Heart,Rate,Daily,Butt,WebMD,Lightning,Bug,Sleep,Clock,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,Recipe,Search,Squats,VirtuaGym,Fitness,Home,Gym,CardioTrainer,WW,ScanCalc,JEFIT,Fitness,GymLog,PointsPlus,Calculator,Body,Fooducate,Grocery,Scanner,Anti,Mosquito,Repeller,Strava,Cycling,black-hearted,food,detector,Yoga,Toning,ByeByeMosquito,runtastic,GPS,Coach,Weight,Watchers,Diet,Restaurant,Nutrition,DietPoint,CardioTrainer,Widget,Cardiograph,C25K,Pregnancy,Lose weight,Relax,Hypnosis,Meditation,EEG,brainwave,Brain,Baby,Nosie,Natural,sound,music,Treatment,Leisure,Universe,learn,Lecture,speek,Eye,Psychological,Soul,heart,Self-control,treatment,addiction,alpha,awake,creativity,mind