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— Ïðèëîæåíèÿ è èãðû Android, iPhone, iPad. Àíàëèòèêà. Ðåêëàìà.


Âñå ïðèëîæåíèÿ êîìïàíèè Goomeo. ×òîáû ñêà÷àòü èãðó/ïðèëîæåíèå, ïåðåéäèòå íà ñòðàíèöó ïðèëîæåíèÿ.

105?me Congr?s Fran?ais d'Urologie AFU

The official AFU 2012 application, held from November 21 to 24 in Paris "Palais des congr?s". Find all the information from the congress : practical information, floor plan, exhibitor list, conference, speakers etc...

4?me Carrefour des Possibles en Limousin

"Le Carrefour des Possibles" is an event that can detect and
highlight innovative uses for technology
Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Be Lim

Application dedicated to youth 16 to 30 who live or study in the Limousin.
Be Lim is a label of the Regional Council of Limousin. Young 100%, 100% Limousin.

CARTES in North America

This is the Official App for CARTES in North America Expo & Conference 2012, designed to promote smart technologies in the large and dynamic North American market.

This App is the essential tool for conference participant or Expo visitor.

Feature include:

- Review for sessions and speakers
- Find out exhibitor’s list and information
- Have your m-badge with you
- Create a personal event schedule
- Rate sessions
- Map out exhibitor visits
- Get latest news and conference alerts
- Attendee useful information
- Collect and exchange digital business card in with a touch.
- Send your event debrief by email
- And even more…

Carrefours HEC 2012

Official application "Carrefours HEC" 24-25 january 2012 on Campus HEC Paris. Get all informations : access map, companies ..

Congr?s ADF 2011

The official application of the Congress ADF 2012 organized by the French dental Association in partnership with Comident which is held from November 27th till December 1st, 2012 (the exposure) opens its doors on November 28th) in the Palais des Congr?s in Paris.

Congr?s de la Soci?t? Francophone du Diab?te

Application officielle du Congr?s de la Soci?t? Francophone du diab?te se d?roulant du 26 au 29 mars 2013 au Palais des Congr?s. Retrouvez l’ensemble des informations, le programme des conf?rences, la liste des conf?renciers, des exposants et le plan de l’exposition. Cette application vous permet ?galement de composer votre programme sur mesure.

CreaLim : les rencontres de la cr?ation et de la reprise ...

The official "CreaLim : les rencontres de la Cr?ation et de la Reprise d'entreprise" iPhone application, held on April 14 in Limoges Zenith. Find all the information from the show: practical information, floor plan, exhibitor list, etc...

Cuisinez avec M6

Du jeudi 18 au dimanche 21 octobre 2012 Paris – Porte de Versailles - Pavillon 6 Inspir? des ?missions culinaires qui font le succ?s de la cha?ne M6, «Cuisinez by M6 avec Lesieur» est fait pour vous ! Pour sa deuxi?me ?dition, ce salon d?di? aux passionn?s de cuisine revient en force avec un programme enrichi propos? par les plus grands chefs et les candidats embl?matiques des ?missions « Top Chef » et « Un D?ner presque parfait » : d?monstrations, cours et animations, d?fis culinaires, d?gustations...
PLUS DE 60 CHEFS PRESENTS: Thierry Marx, Cyril Lignac, Jean Imbert, Gr?gory Cuilleron, Ruben Sarfati, Tabata Bonardi, Norbert Tarayre...
300 ANIMATIONS GRATUITES: 2 Amphis « Top Chef », cours de cuisine, d?fis culinaires, forum de d?dicaces, d?gustations...
L'EPICERIE FINE GOURMETS & VINS: Un espace gourmand d?di? aux produits de qualit?, pour d?couvrir, go?ter et acheter des produits exceptionnels. 200 produits alimentaires, marques d’?quipement et mat?riel de cuisine r?unis sur plus de 7 000 m2 A d?couvrir aussi : les derni?res innovations qui feront la tendance de demain, nouveaut?s gourmandes mais aussi ?lectrom?nager, arts de la table, livres, mat?riel. Cuisinez by M6 avec Lesieur est une coproduction Reed Expositions & M6 Interactions sous le haut patronage du Minist?re de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation.

Drawing Now Paris

The official Drawing Now Paris iPhone application, held from March 25 to 28 in Paris Carrousel du Louvre. Find all the information from the show: practical information, floor plan, exhibitor list, conference, etc...

E-Commerce One to One Monaco

E-COMMERCE ONE TO ONE MONACO appointment of high-end business leader in e-commerce. 500 participants. 4 & 5 April 2012. 1000 appointment, plenary sessions, dozens of workshops

E-Marketing Paris

The official App for E-Marketing Paris 2013, the annual gathering of Digital Marketing professionals! On January 29th and 30rd, 2013 at the Palais des congress de Paris, Porte Maillot.

This App is a Must for any participant who needs to:

- Consult the conference program and list of speakers
- Find exhibitors and their contact
- Create a personal event calendar
- Mark conferences
- Plan your visit of the stands
- Get the latest news of the event
- Follow the Twitter timeline
- Collect and share digital business cards
- Send a report of the visit by email
- And much more…

EIBTM Technology & Events

The Official EIBTM 2011 Technology and Events held from November 29th to December 1st in Fira Gran Via Barcelona Hall 3. Retrieve all the information from the show, speakers, schedule, exhibitors, interactive floor plan and very usefull features like digital business card.

Efma Events

New Efma Events Mobile App: all 2012 Efma conferences at a glance!

Infinity of features:
- Schedule : review sessions, get regular programme updates and conference alerts
- Speakers: real-time access to speakers’ list (biographies, pictures, speeches)
- Map: locate your events and nearby hotels and restaurants
- Media centre: watch interviews, videos, pictures related to your Efma events
- QRcode: scan any QR code on your phone
- Exhibitors: consult the exhibitors’ list and services
- My visit: plan and personalize your visit by bookmarking scheduled sessions, speakers, exhibitors, etc.

Digital and social interactivity:
- QR code business cards: create your own digital business card and share it with peers via Smartphones
- Real-time interaction: ask questions and react in real time with speakers and delegates
- Social sharing: communicate via Twitter and interact directly with peers

With the new Efma events mobile App, personalize your next visit to our 2012 conferences and take advantage of digital and social interactivity!


D?couvrez l’Universit? de Limoges et son environnement au moyen de reportages et d’?missions t?l?vis?es.

Retrouvez ?galement les actualit?s de l’orientation et de l’Admission Post Bac.

Posez toutes les questions qui vous int?ressent ou qui vous interpellent, concernant la premi?re ann?e ? l'Universit?. Aucun sujet tabou, laissez libre cours ? vos interrogations. En r?ponse, ? toutes vos questions, une ?quipe de cyber reporters se tient pr?te ici, sur place, ? r?aliser les reportages qui vous permettront de mieux conna?tre l'Universit?.

Ces reportages alimenteront les ?missions t?l?vis?es qui seront produites toute l'ann?e. Si l'?mission est retransmise dans vos lyc?es : pas de probl?me. Si vous ?tes chez vous : pensez ? ?tre au rendez-vous ? l'heure dite ! Vous pourrez poser toutes vos questions en direct aux intervenants sur le chat.

Alors que voulez-vous voir ? la journ?e type d'un ?tudiant? les restos U ? les cours en amphi ? la vie ?tudiante apr?s les cours? les TD ? les logements du CROUS ? des informations sur la ville de Limoges ? Souhaitez-vous que l'on interview : le ministre de l'Enseignement Sup?rieur et de la Recherche ? le pr?sident de l'Universit? de Limoges? des ?tudiants ? des enseignants ?

C'est vous qui choisissez! Vous faites votre programme!

ESCAPADE relie l'Universit? de Limoges ? de nombreux lyc?es de l'Acad?mie de Limoges.

Soyez nombreux ? suivre notre programme

FESSH 2012

Official app : European Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand


FIAC, International Contemporary Art Fair, mobile application. Purchase your entrance tickets directly from your smartphone, Receive FIAC’s news in real time, Find most of the programme, Look for an exhibitor, Consult the Grand Palais, Jardin des Tuileries and Jardin des Plantes maps, Look at the photos and videos, Plan your visit by selecting exhibitors and events that interest you.

Forum Rh?ne-Alpes

D?couvrez la liste des 200 entreprises pr?sentes, le plan du salon ainsi que l'agenda des conf?rences du Forum Rh?ne-Alpes, qui aura lieu les 7 et 8 mars sur le campus LyonTech, ? l'espace Double Mixte.

France Angels

The official France Angels iPhone application , held on March 16 in Mairie de Paris. Find all the information from the congress: practical information, floor plan,etc...

Franchise Expo Paris 2012

Franchise Expo Paris is recognized as the world leading and most diversified franchise exhibition with more than 450 franchisors and more than 32 334 ready-to-invest entrepreneurs. Franchise Expo Paris is the leading marketplace where investing entrepreneurs can identify and meet the top 450 franchise systems, from 75 industry sectors, looking for their exclusive business partners.


With GoomeoEvents find all the information about events nearby.


Official app for Show & Congress HOPITAL EXPO. On 22 - 25 may 2012 at VIPARIS – Porte de Versailles – Pavillon 1 : 9h00 to 18h00.
Find all exhibitors informations,conferences schedule and speakers, pratical informations, map …

Hannover Messe : French Delegation from Limousin

The official French Delegation (from Limousin) application to Hannover Messe event, held from April 4 to 8 in Germany. Find all the information from the delegation : information, companies list, localization ...

Hit Paris

Official app for Show & Congress, 22 to 25 may 2012 at VIPARIS – Porte de Versailles – Pavillon 1 : 9h00 to 18h00

Find exhibitors informations, schedule conferences and speakers, pratical informations, map ...

ICT Spring

The official ICT Spring iPhone and iPad application , held from June 28 & 29 in Luxexpo (Luxembourg). Find all the information about the show: practical information, floor plan, exhibitors, speakers etc...


Official application of INTERMAT exhibition which will be held from 16 to 21 April 2012 in Paris-Nord Villepinte - France.
INTERMAT is the international exhibition for equipment and techniques for the construction and materials industries.
Prepare your visit thanks to this application essential to your visit!

IT Partners

The official IT Partners iPhone application , held from January 31 to 01 February in DisneyLand® Paris. Find all the information from the show: practical information, floor plan, exhibitor list, etc...

Le Cercle

The application of the official European Circle of Security and Information Systems. App of the community of users and decision makers in the industry, which brings together professionals and over 600 active members: managers, directors of the Information Systems Security, security experts attending the conference on Security and of Information Systems. Complete information on events in the circle. Event by invitation only.

Le Mobile'2012

A few days after the holding of the Mobile World Congress, the annual conference lemobile'2012 is a unique opportunity to discuss new market trends in mobile telephony. The sixth edition of this event is a favorite meeting place for all market players who can learn about the latest market trends, find answers to their questions, analyze the major actions taken by the pioneers of the industry, discover start-up of the moment, listen more than a hundred experts and of course talk to all the participants, all in a friendly atmosphere.

LeR3 - Sophia-Antipolis

RivieraCube association, community of azur?ens actors of digital economy, celebrates its foundation by organizing LeR3, an event dedicated to entrepreneurship and innovation, from the 17th to the 20th of March at Sophia Antipolis.

Les Assises de la S?curit? et des Syst?mes d’Information

L'application officielle des Assises de la S?curit? et des Syst?mes d’Information qui se tiennent du 3 au 6 octobre 2012 au Grimaldi Forum de Monaco. Retrouvez toutes les informations sur l’?v?nement : infos pratiques, plan du forum, liste des partenaires avec localisation, conf?rences et ateliers, etc.. Nouveaut? cette ann?e : votre agenda dynamique dans l'appli ! Prenez vos rendez-vous depuis votre smartphone et inscrivez vous aux ateliers de votre choix.

Les Nauticales - La Ciotat du 12 au 20 Mars 2011

The official Les Nauticales iPhone application , held from March 12 to 20 in Marseille La Ciotat. Find all the information from the show: practical information, floor plan, exhibitor list, conference, etc...


Le MedPi se d?roule du 29 mai au 1er juin 2012 au Grimaldi Forum ? Monaco.

C’est le rendez-vous du march? des nouvelles technologies num?riques et de ses circuits de distribution grand public est SOHO. Sur l’application, se trouvent les informations pratiques du salon, le plan et la liste des exposants, l’agenda, la pr?sentation, en collaboration avec GFK, des derni?res tendances du march? et les innovations produits des exposants, en collaboration avec le JDLI.

Le contenu de cette application est exclusivement r?serv? aux participants du MedPi qui recevront leur login et mot de passe via e.mail.

MEDTEC Europe 2012

This App is the essential tool for conference delegates and exposition visitors. Features include:
- Review conference sessions and speakers, with abstracts and biographies
- Look at the exhibitor’s list and exhibitor information
- Create a personal event schedule to help you plan your visit
- Rate the conference sessions sessions and share your experience
- Map out and plan your route onsite for exhibitor stand visits
- Get the latest news and conference alerts
- Attendee useful information, such as addresses, opening times and hotel information
- Collect and exchange digital business cards in with a touch
- Send your event debrief by email - And even more…

keywords : medtec, medtec europe, event, goomeo, goomeoevents, ubm

MEDTEC France 2012

Depuis sa premi?re ?dition en avril 2009, MEDTEC France a affirm? et confirm? sa position de rendez-vous majeur pour toute l’industrie francophone.
Les 4 & 5 avril prochains avec sa premi?re ?dition en Rh?ne-Alpes, MEDTEC France se positionne au c?ur d’une R?gion profitant d’une expertise scientifique exceptionnelle et d’une activit? industrielle extr?mement diversifi?e : ?quipements m?caniques, transformation des m?taux, ?lectronique, chimie, plasturgie, traitement de surface, textile – Sp?cificit?s primordiales pour l’industrie du Dispositif M?dical. Cette l’application est l’outil indispensable pour tout congressiste ou visiteur.

Elle permet de :
- Consulter le programme des conf?rences, la liste des intervenants
- Retrouver la liste des exposants, et leurs coordonn?es
- Cr?er un calendrier des ?v?nements personnels
- Noter les conf?rences
- Planifier votre visite de stands
- Recevoir les derni?res actus du salon et les alertes de conf?rences
- Centraliser les informations pratiques - Collecter et ?changer les cartes de visite num?riques facilement.
- Envoyer votre rapport de visite par email
- Et bien plus encore …


The FREE MEDTEC UK app is the essential tool for conference delegates and exposition visitors to effectively and efficiently plan their day at the show.

Features include:

- Review conference sessions and speakers
- Look at the exhibitor’s list and exhibitor information
- Create a personal event schedule to help you plan your visit, with calendar interaction
- Rate the conference sessions and share your experiences
- Map out and plan your route onsite for exhibitor stand visits with the interactive floor plan
- Get the latest news via Twitter and conference alerts
- Attendee useful information, such as venue address and map, opening times and hotel and travel information
- Collect and exchange digital business cards with a touch, using QR codes and your smartphone’s camera
- Send your event debrief and overview by email to yourself for reference

- Dictate or write notes referring to exhibitor meetings or other aspects of your visit
…and much more.

Manga Party Festival Paris

The official Manga Party Festival iPhone application , held from April 9 to 10 in Paris Porte de Versailles. Find all the information from the show: practical information, floor plan, exhibitor list, conference, etc...

Med-IT Alger 2011

The official Med-IT Alger show application, held from September 24 to 26 in Alger. Find all the information in French from the show : practical information, floor plan, exhibitor list, conference, etc...

Med-IT Casablanca

The official Med-IT Casablanca show application, held from November 15 to 17 in Morocco. Find all the information in French from the show : practical information, floor plan, exhibitor list, conference, etc...


MyCARTES is the official App for CARTES, the world’s leading event in Smart Solutions for Security, Payment, Identification & Mobility, which will take place the 6th, 7th and 8th November 2012 near Paris, France, at the “Parc des Expositions - Paris Nord Villepinte”.

This App is a Must for any conference participant or visitor who needs to:
- Consult the conference program and list of speakers
- Find exhibitors and their contact
- Discover the finalists and winners of the SESAMES Awards
- Create a personal event calendar
- Mark conferences
- Get the latest news of the event
- Collect and share digital business cards
- Send a report of the visit by email
- And much more…


The official "Numeritec" iPhone application , held from May 29 to 31 in Limoges. Find all the information from the show: practical information, floor plan, exhibitor list, conference, etc...

Paris Photo 2011

Paris Photo presents the best of photography from the birth of the medium until today.

Beautified by its arrival at the Grand Palais, the Fair shows the diversity and the vitality of historical and contemporary photographic creation.

* Receive Paris Photo news in real time
* Find most of the programme
* Look for an exhibitor
* Consult the Grand Palais map
* Look at the photos and videos
* Plan your visit by selecting exhibitors and events that interest you.

Reed Expositions France

Reed Expositions France, subsidiary of Reed Exhibitions, organises 60 trade and consumer events : Batimat, Maison&Objet, Equip'H?tel, Pollutec, Midest, SITL, Festival de la Plaisance de Cannes, Nautic - Salon Nautique de Paris, FIAC...

R?v'en pages

Retrouvez toute l'actualit?, les coups de coeur, les ?v?nements de R?v'en pages, votre librairie sorci?re bien aim?e.

SIC : S?minaire Ing?nierie Commerciale

Les 26 et 27 avril prochains se tiendra ? Limoges un s?minaire sur l’ing?nierie commerciale : SIC 2012.
Dans le contexte du soutien ? la cr?ation d’entreprises innovantes, les incubateurs jouent un r?le essentiel pour l’accompagnement et la maturation de projets issus ou en lien direct avec les laboratoires de Recherche publique. L’incubateur accompagne le porteur dans la construction strat?gique de l'ensemble du projet et l'?tablissement d'un business plan, et notamment sous la forme :
- Actions de formation du porteur, des membres de l'?quipe concernant le m?tier de chef d'entreprise,
- Introduction, mise en r?seau des partenaires (institutionnels, prestataires...) et constitution du r?seau du futur chef d'entreprise
- Adossement scientifique ? un laboratoire de recherche
- Financement sous la forme d’avance remboursable d’op?rations de maturation du projet pendant la phase d'incubation (prestations, r?alisation de prototypes, ?tudes sp?cifiques).
Dans le d?veloppement de l’entreprise, la conqu?te et la fid?lisation de clients repr?sentent une ?tape cruciale qui reste souvent difficile ? appr?hender pour les cr?ateurs. Conscients de ces difficult?s, 4 incubateurs d'entreprises ont souhait? mutualiser leur savoir-faire et leurs r?seaux, le temps d’un s?minaire sp?cialement d?di? aux porteurs de projet et aux entreprises issues des incubateurs. Objectifs : donner aux porteurs de projet et aux chefs d'entreprise toutes les cl?s de succ?s pour optimiser leur action commerciale, offrir l’opportunit? aux clients potentiels d’expliquer, de faire partager leurs attentes, contraintes et objectifs dans leurs op?rations d’achat de produits ou de services. D?j? plus de 80 porteurs de projet et chefs d'entreprise innovante des 4 incubateurs sont d?j? inscrits. Ce s?minaire sera l’occasion pour les jeunes entreprises de se faire conna?tre et pour les entreprises plus aguerries de t?moigner de leurs exp?riences v?cues. Ce s?minaire se veut aussi ?tre un temps d?di? au perfectionnement des connaissances en mati?re d’ing?nierie commerciale ainsi qu’un lieu d’?changes et de « r?seautage ». Ateliers, tables rondes et conf?rence rythmeront ces 2 jours de travail. Des notions fondamentales de la strat?gie commerciale ? l’e-r?putation, en passant par l’utilisation des outils sp?cifiques dans ce domaine, les intervenants retraceront les notions indispensables pour bien mener son action commerciale. Une large part du s?minaire sera laiss?e aux ?changes conviviaux o? les participants pourront comparer et partager leurs exp?riences dans le processus de cr?ation d’entreprise innovante.

SITL Europe

The official SITL and ECO Transport & Logistics iPhone/iPad application, held from March 27 to 29 in Paris Nord Villepinte. Find all the information from the show: practical information, floor plan, exhibitor list, conferences, etc...

SMX Paris

The official SMX Paris iPhone/Ipad application, held from June 6 to 7 in Paris. Find all the information from the show: practical information, speakers, conferences, live ...


The official SOFCOT congress application, held from November 7 to 11 in Paris. Find all the information in French from the show : practical information, floor plan, exhibitor list, conference, etc...

Salon Marketing Point de Vente 2012

L'application officielle du salon MPV Marketing Point de Vente qui se tient du 27 au 29 mars 2012 ? Paris Porte de Versailles.

Retrouvez l'ensemble des informations du salon : infos pratiques, plan du salon, liste des exposants, conf?rences, etc.

Salon Nautique International de Paris

Offical App for the event "Nautic - Salon Nautique International de Paris". Get all informations from the event :
- news
- shedule of animations
- find boat or exhibitor
- maps
- photos, movies ...
- manage your visit and choose your exhibitors and events

S?minaire d'Ing?nierie Financi?re 2011

The official "S?minaire d'ing?nierie financi?re 2011" application, held from March 31 to April 1 in Limoges Ester Technopole. Find all the information from the seminar : practical information, floor plan, attendee, conference, etc...

VAD e-commerce 2011

Discover the official VAD e-commerce application held from October 23 to 25 in Lille Grand Palais. Find all the information from the show: practical information, floor plan, exhibitor list, conference etc....